Friday, July 16, 2010

'Dibbs' Logo Design

We have designed a logo to help represent ourselves. The name of our company is 'Dibbs'. We feel this is suitable because it is short and easy to remember. The logo includes a moving image of a shotgun to help people to remember our name. We used photoshop to put our logo together, it is embedded above.

Chosen brief

1) A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following options:

1) An album cover for it's release on CD ROM.
2) A magazine advertisement for the CD ROM.


We were given a theme of 'suspision' to do some practise work with the cameras. Our scene was based on a suspicious fast walker, who soon draws attension to themselves and results in being followed. This was a useful excersize as I had little practise with the video cameras last year. I practised camera movement using a handheld camera, dolly and tripod and practised techniques such as panning and tilts. I got a good idea of how to frame shots successfully.