Sunday, December 12, 2010

Conventional video

Under further research I have came across this music video to 'Your song' by Ellie Goulding. I found it is very conventional to our genre and very much matches the effect that we are trying to produce.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Location 3

Our third scene location will be set in a photography studio against a black background. This scene will be a performance scene in which the majority of miming will be shown. This appears to be very conventional, as shown in lisa mitchell's video to ' lullaby'. In the performance scene there is generally a smaller variety in shots, however we will challenge these conventions by taking the largest variety of shots we can.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ancillary task - Research and contact sheets

Here is a collection of shots we have taken of which we will choose to feature on our album cover. We have taken photographs of the actor that will appear in our video to '1234' in a suitable, conventional location. The location also appears in our video so it very much links in with our video. I have found that an outdoor location is very conventional to our genre shown by the follwing real media texts: Neopolitan Dreams - Lisa Mitchell Eet - Regina Spektor Your song - Ellie Goulding [SCAN in real media albm covers]

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Practicing Stop Motion Animation

This was our very first attempt at filming some stop motion animation. Overall we feel that we have a good camera position, however we need to take more frames for the film to run more smoothly and for a longer period of time.

This was our second attempt at filming some stop motion animation. We took more frames and feel that the overall video runs much more smoothly.

This was our third attempt. We took alot more frames for a smooth effect. We love the use of an object within stop motion to give the feel that the object is 'alive'. We think using animated objects within our video will have a really bold impact o the overall appearance. To improve we must take a larger number of shots to make the running time longer, and move the camera to include different camera shots.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Location shots for scene 1

We have visited our location for the narrative scene and taken some practise shots that we are likely to use in our recording process. We have tried to create a variety of different shots along with sticking to conventions.

Location Shots for Music Video

Analysing our Genre

"Incomplete Lullaby- Lisa Mitchell"

This is an example of a video within our genre. I have chosen to include this because it contains 2 scenes; The narrative is made up with elements of stop motion (video camera and still camera) and the performance is purely filmed with a video camera. I think this is similar to the type of footage that we will aspire to produce.

During the performance scene a female, styled to the genre, appears and mimes the words to the music throughout the entire scene. She glances into the camera on occasions and to emphasize this a number of close ups and mid shots are used. To keep the scene interesting, on occasion the shot changes to a long shot or over the shoulder, but generally the shot variety is simple during this scene.

During the narrative scene there is no miming and the model is oblivious to the camera's presence. The female almost tells a story and her actions are made to fit with the music and lyrics. Stop motion is used within this scene as well as video elements.

The female is styled to represent the genre. Relevant mise en scene is used carefully. Studio lighting, a variety of outfits to suit the style, location, make up, expression and body language all play a big role within this genre.

"Eet-Regina Spektor"

Song choice

We have decided to use the music '1234- by Fiest' to run with our music video. We feel this fits perfectly with our chosen genre. Looking at the resources we have available, we think they will suit the vibe of this song. We believe we have the capability to play with the very suitable lyrics and beat to this song using a still camera to produce some stop motion animation within our video. The lyrics and beat also allow us to make obvious connections between the sound and visual aspects of the final product, for a strong relation between the two to allow a proffessional finish.

This is the official music video to '1234- by Feist'

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Narrative vs. Performance scenes

To help us achieve a flawless and professional look to our video we have looked into the conventions of a music video within our genre. We wanted to look at how the scenes change between a narrative to a performance style.

We have analysed the official music video to "Hollywood - by Marina And The Diamonds."
We have grouped shots from the same scenes together and taken note of how many times each scene is repeated/gone back to, along with recording relavant timing.

Analysing scene change of 'Hollywood- Marina and the DIamonds' Music video


After looking at the available resources we have eg; actors, locations, weather, and other mise en scene we have decided to persue a female singer/hippy/pop style.

We will look at the conventions of various music videos within our chosen genre and try to challenge them by adding various aspects of stop motion animation.

We both feel that elements of animation will suit the style of out video and help to enhance the overall appearance and style.

Jenny & Rhian

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


To begin our pre-production we will start by researching into existing music videos. We will use social networking sites on the internet such as YouTube, myspace and Facebook to help influence us on the genre and style of video we hope to produce.

Jenny & Rhian

Friday, July 16, 2010

'Dibbs' Logo Design

We have designed a logo to help represent ourselves. The name of our company is 'Dibbs'. We feel this is suitable because it is short and easy to remember. The logo includes a moving image of a shotgun to help people to remember our name. We used photoshop to put our logo together, it is embedded above.

Chosen brief

1) A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following options:

1) An album cover for it's release on CD ROM.
2) A magazine advertisement for the CD ROM.


We were given a theme of 'suspision' to do some practise work with the cameras. Our scene was based on a suspicious fast walker, who soon draws attension to themselves and results in being followed. This was a useful excersize as I had little practise with the video cameras last year. I practised camera movement using a handheld camera, dolly and tripod and practised techniques such as panning and tilts. I got a good idea of how to frame shots successfully.